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Sunday, 18 April 2010

The gift that keeps on giving - Jule Kirkbride

MPs’ expenses: Julie Kirkbride puts taxpayer-funded flat up for rent - Telegraph: "After claiming more than �80,000 in the last four years for the Georgian mansion apartment near Redditch, Worcs, the former MP for Bromsgrove is now offering to rent it out for �925 a month. The figure is around �100 more than her monthly mortgage interest costs.

Miss Kirkbride and her husband, Andrew MacKay, both announced that they would stand down from Parliament after it emerged that they designated two separate houses as their “main property,” allowing them to claim second home expenses at different addresses."

It keeps on giving and giving. Miss Kirbride should give a big thank you to the plebs that are paying

It pays to keep the plebs sweet or they will turn sour.

Lord Blagger

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